Welcome to Forge Utah

Welcome to Forge Utah

Why Forge Exists

Back in 2013 I loved seeing Beehive Startups and Silicon Slopes (now combined) emerge to organize Utah’s local tech community. Silicon Slopes is still an amazing org and I love reading their content and following what is going on with local businesses. But it seems like the focus is on CEOs, fundraising, and other business specific topics. As a programmer myself, I wanted a community for the engineers, developers, data scientist, etc. who were building the technology companies in Utah. I wanted a community for the actual technologists.

So in 2015 Forge Utah Foundation was born to fill that need. We are an official 501(c)(3) not for profit company.

Our Mission

The Foundation’s mission is help grow technology education and talent in Utah by sharing, learning, and building.


First and foremost we believe in sharing information. Our goal is to facilitate sharing as a form of “enlightened self interest” (sharing freely for karma). We also believe strongly in open source and want to share as much code, configs, and general information as possible.


The Foundation is a place to learn, mainly from content shared by others, but also we plan to host workshops and facilitate learning of all kinds in the local community.


The culmination of all the sharing and learning is ultimately to build. We want to empower our community to build the next generation of technology.